What Holds You Back?

As I have worked on my version of blooming all month long, my attention has most been drawn to what gets in the way for me. I am pretty good at doing the things that fill me with life- doing the things I love to do, healthy habits, fresh air and sunshine- you, too? Sometimes … Continued

Full Bloom

I am thinking a lot about the last quarter of this year. I am thinking about being blooming right through the end of this year, leading myself into a strong 2021, despite circumstances. Because circumstances are anyone’s guess. What I can control is what I am thinking about and how, what I am participating in, … Continued

Bloom Where You Are!

My theme for the month of September is Bloom! something very counterintuitive, at a time of year where the blooms in nature are fading fast. Whether we have gone kicking and screaming or embraced it, 2020 has caused all to grow- a little or a lot. The growing and learning are constant unless we stick … Continued

From YES to ZEST!!

YES!!!  How often do you say it like that? Bold and with lots of exclamation points!!!??? Throughout the month of August I have been sharing my theme of YES!! This week I want to go a bit deeper about the yes you say to yourself and what it might lead to. In my coaching practice I use the … Continued

The Right Yes

August is all about the YES in my world, and if you choose to follow along, you may never look at your “yeses” quite the same way again! I am also on month two of building resilience. When you say the right yeses for you, your resilience will build as you create more energy in your … Continued

Challenge Your Way to Resilience

I love good challenge! I think I have always been one to take one on and I have rarely thought of the bigger picture benefits. A challenge always stretches you and teaches you about yourself. Whether you finish it or not. Because I am focused on resilience this month and I have also been doing … Continued

Cleanse Your Way to Resilience

Resilience is top of mind right now. On my mind because I chose the word as my theme for the month of July! On everyone else’s mind because it is beginning to be recognized as a very important strength to cultivate in order to live a flourishing life in today’s world. Some definitions of resilience: … Continued

My Top 8 Questions That Lead to a Great Day

One of the things I have enjoyed most about my journey as a coach is all that I have learned that has helped me to grow in my own life. Studying and asking great questions is one of them. Asking great questions is the most powerful thing a coach does. And to be powerful, they … Continued

Find Your Helpers

This has been a rough week for so many of us. I know I don’t need to name all of the reasons why because you are all probably watching the news and talking to people and seeing pop ups on your computer and you’re most likely spending time on some type of social media. As … Continued