One of the things I have enjoyed most about my journey as a coach is all that I have learned that has helped me to grow in my own life.

Studying and asking great questions is one of them.

Asking great questions is the most powerful thing a coach does. And to be powerful, they do not have to complex. Well timed, many times intuitive- the right question at the right time leads to break through.

One of the best times to ask yourself powerful questions is in the morning before your day really gets going. Having a journal and writing in it each morning is a powerful act in itself. Reflecting on and answering the right questions will not assure you have a perfect day, but it will assure that you have a better chance at creating the day you want to live.

My questions are designed to get my energy up so that I can bring my best (high vibe) self to everything I intend to do that day.

Here are my top 8 : Questions That Lead to a Great Day!

  1. How do I feel right now?
  2. How do I want to feel today?
  3. What are three things I can do to shift to how I want to feel? (If I did not already feel that way)
  4. What new thing will I do or try today?
  5. How will I move forward on a least one goal today?
  6. How can I make a positive impact in my world today?
  7. How can I use my unique talents and strengths today?
  8. What will I do to celebrate my accomplishments today?

These do not have to be long answers, unless you want them to be. It can take as little as 5-10 minutes or much longer if you really want to get reflective. I hope that you will make this a daily practice, so short and quick might be the most consistently manageable.

Have a journal and pen nearby before you go to bed so that you do not have to go looking in the morning.

Next week we will talk about the compounding effect of asking yourself these questions and answering them daily. For now, just get started and see what you notice.