Angles of Acceptance

As we wrap up the year and reflect on what has happened within our lives in the pst 12 months an important word may come to light. Using the word acceptance as a filter can help us to see what is important and can steer us toward what will be authentic, meaningful and welcomed in … Continued

You Might Just Need a Little Alignment

Or you might need a lot! The truth is that we can be way out of alignment on some things, and just a little on others- or we can even feel like we are out of alignment in all areas of our lives. Maybe not surprisingly, the pandemic has caused more people to feel out … Continued

Countdown 21 to 2021: Day 6 Just Continue

As the days of 2020 really wind down- less than a week to go- if you are like me, you might be starting to think about the fresh start that is New Year’s Day. I mentioned in yesterday’s post that I had played a game with my kids called The Self Mastery Game. One piece … Continued

Zesty Holidays

A few weeks ago I was presenting a lunch and learn to a corporate client on the subject of ZEST! It is not something you probably think about on a regular basis, and I likely wouldn’t either, except for the fact that it is one of the 24 Character Strengths included in the VIA Character … Continued

Refine and Manifest

I am doing both this month! Refine- means to remove impurities or unwanted elements from something. It also means to improve something by making small changes. Some of the words associated with refine are purify, clarify, clear and cleanse. There isn’t a more perfect theme  for October- especially in 2020! Especially for the start of … Continued

Bloom Where You Are!

My theme for the month of September is Bloom! something very counterintuitive, at a time of year where the blooms in nature are fading fast. Whether we have gone kicking and screaming or embraced it, 2020 has caused all to grow- a little or a lot. The growing and learning are constant unless we stick … Continued

My Top 8 Questions That Lead to a Great Day

One of the things I have enjoyed most about my journey as a coach is all that I have learned that has helped me to grow in my own life. Studying and asking great questions is one of them. Asking great questions is the most powerful thing a coach does. And to be powerful, they … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 18: The Right People

Welcome to Day 18! We have all heard many times the importance of choosing the right people to spend time with, to listen to, to confide in, to let into our lives. We have all had the experience of choosing wrongly, and hopefully learning from those experiences. Some people are in our lives and we … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 15: Rest Day

Welcome to Day 15! We are right at the half way point in our challenge today! AND today is a rest day! After all of the challenges that have been coming your way, this is a day to catch up, or do with what makes the most sense to you. A rest day is not … Continued