It’s that time again: 2024 Mid-Year Review!

Just like that– we are half way through this year- 2024 is going by in a flash. I just returned from my epic trip to Switzerland and Paris. Whenever I think about 2024 I will think of it in two parts- pre-trip and post-trip. I am getting better, but I am a pretty nervous traveler, … Continued

Resolute and Flexible

In all of the years I have been coaching I have never seen a word get such a bad rap as the word resolution. I remain truly devoted to the word and I will share with you why. I have many thoughts about the poo poo-ing of the word resolution and one theory I have … Continued

Finishing the year strong: a year of practicing presence.

Presence was my word for 2023. I learned a lot of things practicing presence, living presence out each day,  when I remembered to! Each instance. when I remembered to. The biggest thing I learned is that presence will be a lifelong pursuit. It can be learned and helped with tools. It can be practiced and … Continued

You. On Retreat.

Have you ever taken yourself on retreat?  Retreats are one of the important topics I cover in my book- The Successful Coaches Business Development Planner- but retreats are not just for coaches. They are for everyone. Some of you are old pros at retreats- take this as a reminder to get your next one scheduled … Continued

Set Yourself Up For Good Luck!

I know it’s cheesy, but I grew up celebrating all holidays fully- all of the ones my family new about, which honestly were probably just the ones that were commercialized. So when it comes to March I think of Leprechauns, good luck, pots of gold, rainbows and four leaf clovers. Now besides those things coming … Continued

Resolution Evolution

Happy New Year! Here we are, in 2023. The swirl of talk about resolutions is everywhere. Some excited, some downright nasty regarding the word resolutions.  Being resolute means that you feel something is so important to you, you are not willing to waver. I heard someone yesterday say that taking on resolutions means that you … Continued

Magnanimous Mid Year!

I am starting out with the word magnanimous again this week because I want to talk to you about mid year. Magnanimity is generosity, which is usually spoken about in terms of being generous toward others. I like to turn all words around to also apply them to ourselves as well as others. And being … Continued

Can Do!

Last post I wrote about going just a bit beyond your comfort zone to keep stretching and growing. Another level to consider as you begin to explore this is your current attitude. The last few years have been hard on most if not all of us. It is a great time to check and see … Continued

Nine (Not so) Secrets of Accomplishing in Your Life!

When you are in your accomplishing sweet spot, you are actively creating the life you want to live. Looking up the word accomplish in the dictionary, it says that accomplishing is about achieving or completing something successfully. Keep this definition in mind as you check out the list of “secrets” below! –To keep yourself encouraged, … Continued

Just Start Here

I have a simple message for this week. Where you are right now, this is where you are. Just start here. Just for this next week be where you are now. Release the thoughts of what happened, what might have happened and anything else from the past. Just to take a break from it. I … Continued