The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 21: Mindful Mood

Welcome to Day 21!! What do you think about the subject of mindfulness? I find it is a topic we can not avoid when attempting to live a high vibe life. The word gets used a lot and I think the potency gets watered down in the process. Being mindful is simply being where you … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 18: The Right People

Welcome to Day 18! We have all heard many times the importance of choosing the right people to spend time with, to listen to, to confide in, to let into our lives. We have all had the experience of choosing wrongly, and hopefully learning from those experiences. Some people are in our lives and we … Continued

The High Vibe Challenge Day 12: You At Your Best!

Welcome to Day 12! Watch out, I am feeling really really good this morning! Maybe it is the sun, butter coffee from the Blank Page Cafe, or the great workout I just did- I don’t know for sure, but it is probably a strong combination of all and the rest of my morning routine. The … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge: Day 7- Take a breath!!

Welcome to Day 7! Today is a day to CATCH UP! First of all, this IS a challenge, so it SHOULD feel challenging to you! We can learn a lot about ourselves in a challenge. What our minds say, what comes up in the way of self talk and feelings. Stories. Wherever you are at … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 6: Fresh Starts!

Welcome to Day 6! One of my favorite things about me is that I LOVE fresh starts! Do-evers, new beginnings. I take advantage of them at every turn! Today is my birthday and this is one of those times I consider the ultimate fresh start! I take the time to think about the past year- … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge: Day 4- Writing it out…

Welcome to Day 4! Here’s a check in- it’s Monday- How are you doing? Is Monday something you look forward to? Do you even know what day it is? As we are well aware, we are all having such different experiences in this time of crisis! Writing things out has been a staple for me … Continued

The 31 Day High vibe Challenge Day 2: The end of the day

Welcome to Day 2! While the mornings are the foundation of our days (more on mornings coming), I have subscribed for 25 years to this thought: Your day starts the night before. So before a great morning, comes a great night.  How are you sleeping these days? We all know by now about good “sleep … Continued

Protect Yourself

This blog post is almost a no brainer at this time, but here it goes anyway! First the obvious- we are living in mentally and emotionally difficult time. Do you notice that some people are truly devastated over recent events while others are not? What is the difference? I don’t have all of the answers, … Continued