
In my coaching practice I use this great app called the CLI Values Cards (by Coaching and Leadership International)- my initial use was with the actual, real life cards and then moved to the app. My clients and I pick out a “random” word that comes into our session many times. Recognition is one of … Continued

A World of Magical Thinking

Magical thinking has been described as that your thoughts, ideas, words and actions can influence the outcome of specific events in the material world. As with just about every kind of thinking- it can be a good and supportive thing, as well as a detrimental one. This shows up often when people find connections in … Continued

Until You Don’t

Last September 6th I went to bed like I do any normal night and when I woke up my knee wouldn’t work. As I tried  to walk I felt sharp pain, but being who I am, out I went for my morning walk, believing I would just walk it off. I powered through for a … Continued

What Does It Mean to be Stylish?

Where in your life are you stylish? What does being stylish mean to you? You are actually a very stylish person- who you are, how you show up, your personality, your surroundings- these are all parts of your personal style. How you handle things, and yes, what you wear and the items you choose to … Continued

Resolute and Flexible

In all of the years I have been coaching I have never seen a word get such a bad rap as the word resolution. I remain truly devoted to the word and I will share with you why. I have many thoughts about the poo poo-ing of the word resolution and one theory I have … Continued

Finishing the year strong: a year of practicing presence.

Presence was my word for 2023. I learned a lot of things practicing presence, living presence out each day,  when I remembered to! Each instance. when I remembered to. The biggest thing I learned is that presence will be a lifelong pursuit. It can be learned and helped with tools. It can be practiced and … Continued

Just Be You!

Authenticity is something I have written about here in the past. I am feeling the spirit of summer (again/still!) and the idea of letting things go, shedding things and getting back to the necessities is speaking to me right now. What is necessary? Know that for yourself is important. What is necessary- for YOU? If … Continued

A Look At Your Resistance (just for fun!)

I had to add the subtitle to the title because…. a word like resistance can be so heavy! But you really can have fun with it, if you are willing to look at it more closely. Resistance is really a good thing at its core- our human brain is actually trying to protect us. If … Continued

You. On Retreat.

Have you ever taken yourself on retreat?  Retreats are one of the important topics I cover in my book- The Successful Coaches Business Development Planner- but retreats are not just for coaches. They are for everyone. Some of you are old pros at retreats- take this as a reminder to get your next one scheduled … Continued

Finding Simplicity in Solitude

August can be a busy month for a lot of us, and for many of us it can also be a time to slow down. A simple premise I like to remember is that peace and solitude are always available to use, we just have to pause to gain access. This is not reserved for … Continued