What Bob Taught Me

What About Bob? is one of my favorite funny movies! Released in 1991, it is #44 on Bravo’s top 100 list of funniest movies. I think putting a lot of humor into our lives right now is VERY important- that is why I convinced my family to watch this movie the other night. Although Bob … Continued

The Ultimate Pattern Interrupt

There is a concept that comes from Neuro Linguistic programming called the pattern interrupt. Simply put, is a way of changing a person’s mental, emotional, or behavioral state or strategy. Developing the skill set for creating a pattern interrupt can help you learn new behaviors that lead you powerfully forward toward living a more intentional, passion-filled … Continued

Opportunity in a Time of Crisis

I have been spending my week filling my head with good information.  Not about the C-Virus, but about positive, uplifting ideas and thoughts that can not only help me to weather the storm, but to thrive and flourish in it.  I am determined to come out of this thing better than when I went in. … Continued

What is Your Mindset Set To?

Fixed or growth?  That is the question!  In the positive psychology world, these two mindsets are talked about a lot. One- growth- is supportive to you living a happy and expansive life. The other- fixed- limits what is possible and your experience. A growth mindset allows you to see challenges as an opportunity to learn, … Continued

So Much Potential!

That’s you!  And me.  We ALL have so much potential within us.  As a coach, however, I often notice people not seeing the potential they have already realized. If you would stop to think about the things that you have already done in your life- all of the things, for instance, that at one time … Continued

10 (or more) Ideas for Flourishing and Thriving in Your Business

Today I was live on my Facebook business page- Kimberly DuBrul Coaching- with some ideas about flourishing in your business.  I am going to write about them here, but to get the full scoop on the points, including my passion around each one I encourage to watch the replay! A major part of flourishing is … Continued

One Degree Revolution

I’ve been a fan of Coby Kozlowski’s wisdom ever since I heard her talk about skillfully riding the waves of life at a Vermont yoga event.  I had been waiting for her book to be released for months and once it was, I jumped right in. First of all, if you are just seeing yoga … Continued

Exit Your Comfort Zone

One of my big initiatives this year is to get out of my comfort zone. Trying new things, doing things that I have wanted to do, but didn’t dare. Looking to get out of my comfort zone causes me to think big and prompts me to get past fear. I am talking a big subject … Continued

Stronger- With Grace

Grace has been a word that has intrigued me for a long time.  In my coaching practice I use values cards with my clients and grace is one of the words in the deck.  Having pulled the card out many times over the years, I have explored the word’s meaning both in the dictionary and … Continued

Stronger- Tech Sabbath Sundays

Are you creative?  Do you wish you were more creative? You might have trouble doing it if you are not taking time to be quiet and still.  More creativity. That is just one of the many benefits of taking a tech sabbath. Taking a sabbath refers to taking a period of rest. What are the … Continued