Today I was live on my Facebook business page- Kimberly DuBrul Coaching- with some ideas about flourishing in your business.  I am going to write about them here, but to get the full scoop on the points, including my passion around each one I encourage to watch the replay!

A major part of flourishing is in creating particularly favorable environments (as the definition says). These environments are many- starting with your mind!  Your physical spaces- office, home, car. The people you hang out with and the places you spend time in. Starting with these thoughts and looking to make them more favorable gives you a good foundation for thriving in your business. Here are some other ideas!

These points are in no particular order.

  1. Don’t compare yourself to others in any way, including judging your progress measured against someone else’s.
  2. Make a plan every Sunday for the week and STICK TO IT! Review the previous week and course correct, if you did get off track, it won’t last long.
  3. Regard your use of time as that of the highest spiritual consideration. Be careful what you commit to- make sure it fits with your goals, ideals, and supports you in working toward those.
  4. Work on your mindset daily- reliance, positivity, etc.
  5. Define the bookends of your day- set yourself up for great work all day long. Treat work nights like you used to treat a school night when you were a kid.
  6. Look actively for and engage in challenges- learn to embrace obstacles as gifts for learning and progress.
  7. Take care of yourself mentally, physically and spiritually. Go for what is optimal! (and define what is optimal to you.)
  8. If you are in a business or a job that you are not 100% passionate about, make a top 10 list of the things that ARE good about your business/work and read the list every morning at the start of the day. Take those positive feelings to work with you.
  9. Increase the value of your personal environments- remove distractions, de-clutter, beautify and move around to work in different environments.
  10. Always have coaches, mentors  and trusted sounding boards who will reflect the truth to you, not just tell you what you want to hear. (also, commit to being a person who is truthful with others even when it is difficult.)
  11. BONUS!  Determine to be profitable- have good advisors, learn to charge what you are worth, save, spend carefully, have a budget so that you can legitimately say no to things people are trying to sell you that you don’t need.
  12. BONUS!  Consistency is the name of the game- keep on going and don’t stop until you have given something a good try- consistency will get you the results- make sure that you are being consistent with the right actions!

I would love to hear your one take away and what you are willing to do to take action on it starting today. Please share below!

For all of my more in depth comments about these, subscribe to my newsletter- I’ll send you the replay this Sunday if you subscribe prior, or if you are already a subscriber, you will get it automatically! You can also visit my Facebook Page- Kimberly DuBrul Coaching to watch it now!