November Immersion in Gratitude

Naturally, November is the month I equate to gratitude. Is this true for you, too? The holidays and celebrating growing up is a part of it, but in my adult years it has really expanded due to my habit of stating my review of the current year and planning for the next in November. The … Continued


Admittedly, I am creating my own, “I grew up in Vermont so it’s okay to do this” meaning of “Falling”- which in my context today means doing Fall with all of the bells and whistles! I will start there. Think of all of the things that you know about fall, maybe even have experienced. I … Continued

This takes the most courage….

I can’t think of much that takes more courage than to be honest with yourself. I honor all people who do the hard work of personal development and growth. I have been privileged to work with so many great clients over the years who are doing this challenging work. Personal Reinvention month is the perfect … Continued

Even if you don’t feel like it!

I want to get this out of the way first, so that your mind can be clear to take in this message. Yes, there are times when not following through is the right thing to do. Yes, I am all for you listening to yourself and taking care of yourself. Yes, I am all for … Continued

Just Be You!

Authenticity is something I have written about here in the past. I am feeling the spirit of summer (again/still!) and the idea of letting things go, shedding things and getting back to the necessities is speaking to me right now. What is necessary? Know that for yourself is important. What is necessary- for YOU? If … Continued

A Look At Your Resistance (just for fun!)

I had to add the subtitle to the title because…. a word like resistance can be so heavy! But you really can have fun with it, if you are willing to look at it more closely. Resistance is really a good thing at its core- our human brain is actually trying to protect us. If … Continued

Tweak Your Life with One Small Step

This idea has me really excited….one small positive change can create a cascade of other positive changes in my life. I believe that if you want to bring some fresh energy into your life, it is as easy as that! If you want to experience even more life in your life, reinventing something will be … Continued

It All Started with an Orange Chair

My old mentor Mike Ferry used to talk about taking consistent thinking time, to pause and see what ideas might arise. I always like the sound of this idea, but it wasn’t until I joined the John Maxwell Team and  heard John talk about his “Thinking Chair”– a beautiful orange chair where he sat everyday … Continued

2023, Your Year of Creativity

Do you view yourself as creative? In 6th grade my art teacher, who knew my mother well, remarked to me during one fateful class, “You just aren’t creative like your mother is.” An art teacher confusing creativity with the ability to draw! I didn’t realize his mistake (on many levels), and my mistake in internalizing … Continued

Resolution Evolution

Happy New Year! Here we are, in 2023. The swirl of talk about resolutions is everywhere. Some excited, some downright nasty regarding the word resolutions.  Being resolute means that you feel something is so important to you, you are not willing to waver. I heard someone yesterday say that taking on resolutions means that you … Continued