What to do with June?

How about making this fresh month of June your best yet this year? I find it easy to put my head around this, in large part due to the better weather and a lot more sun! But there are other reasons, too! What gets me really excited about making the most of June- which is … Continued

To Your Health!!

The 6th and final pillar of well being is HEALTH! I am nervous about writing this post because it is so important! I want to do it justice. I am not a physical or mental health professional or a doctor. I have been studying mental wellness for over 20 years, and I draw from that … Continued

Nine (Not so) Secrets of Accomplishing in Your Life!

When you are in your accomplishing sweet spot, you are actively creating the life you want to live. Looking up the word accomplish in the dictionary, it says that accomplishing is about achieving or completing something successfully. Keep this definition in mind as you check out the list of “secrets” below! –To keep yourself encouraged, … Continued

Engaging with purpose in your whole life.

When studying the components of well being there is nothing more compelling to me than engagement. Simply put it’s that sparkle and energy you feel (or see in someone else!) which they are excited, totally all-in involved. It’s the opposite of sitting on the couch with the remote control flipping channels. It’s up off the … Continued

Positive emotions, growth and your freedom!

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” Dr. Susan David This week kicks off my well being series where over the next six weeks I will cover the domains of well being and I invite … Continued

Looking for Lost Vitality- And How to Find It!

Have you ever heard of life force? That which lights you up from the inside, energy, sparkle, vitality. This month I am diving deep into effort and building energy. Vitality and joy for life are what happens when your life force is on all cylinders. Here’s a quick list making exercise you can do to … Continued

You Might Just Need a Little Alignment

Or you might need a lot! The truth is that we can be way out of alignment on some things, and just a little on others- or we can even feel like we are out of alignment in all areas of our lives. Maybe not surprisingly, the pandemic has caused more people to feel out … Continued

Just Start Here

I have a simple message for this week. Where you are right now, this is where you are. Just start here. Just for this next week be where you are now. Release the thoughts of what happened, what might have happened and anything else from the past. Just to take a break from it. I … Continued

Your Recalibration Retreat

A retreat is a great way to recalibrate. All it really is, is a pause. Stopping long enough to think, asses and discern if where you are at in any/all areas of your life are going the way you would like them to go. I am a big fan of knowing what you can control … Continued

Count Down 21 to 2021: Day 4 Don’t Wait, Illuminate

One of the things we tend to do as human beings is to put things off until Monday, or next month, or once the new year begins. Don’t wait! Start today!! At least in some small ways. It is not all or nothing. What could you do over the next few days leading up to … Continued