One of the things we tend to do as human beings is to put things off until Monday, or next month, or once the new year begins.

Don’t wait! Start today!!

At least in some small ways. It is not all or nothing.

What could you do over the next few days leading up to the new year that will cause you to feel really good when the ball drops on NYE or when you wake up on January 1? What small, or big, steps will you, could you, would you take to start to move in the direction of your goals?

What are you already planning to start on Monday January 4 that you could begin now?

Whatever you want to do more or less of in 2021, stick your big toe in right now, just to test the waters.

Is it clearing clutter, reaching out to someone, telling a truth, starting work on something you are creating, cutting down on sugar, getting outside? What is it? Start now and feel good on day 1! You will set the tone for a great year to come, despite outward circumstances!

The idea of illumination comes to me today from the full moon– bright and full today and for the next few days until it start to wane. In the spirit of this bright light in the sky, we can tap into this energy to shine in all of the corners of our lives, our home, our goals, our relationships. Look for those cobwebs in the dark corners and clean them up. Use this energy to shine on those new things you are beginning, or the things you are continuing in a bigger, stronger, expanded way.

Illumination has energy to it! It feels good, high vibe, positive. An illumination, in one definition, is a clarification. Shine that light to clear things up! What is asking for clarity in your life?

Where are you going to shine your light? What, in your life, wants to be illuminated?

Don’t wait another day to get started!


A great way to start your new year would be to attend my “Last Call”of 2020! It’s my 11th annual free offering on the last day of the year and I invite you to join me!