Filling Yourself with Good

The 100 Day Challenge, Day 39: Everyday we can run into any number of negative forces, threatening to derail us from experiencing the best day possible.  When we are on purpose about filling our day with things that uplift us, it is much harder for the negative stuff to get us down.  When you are … Continued

Are Your Values in Alignment?

The 100 Day Challenge, Day 38: How we spend our days, determines the outcome of our weeks, months and years.  Are you clear about your most important values?  Keep track of where you are spending most of your time each day for a week or two- then match up your actions to your business and … Continued

Character Building

The 100 Day Challenge, Day 37: I had a mentor in the past that used to tell me that whenever you have to go through something really hard, you build character.  I took this to mean that you would become more experienced and wise.  I have learned to look at challenge gratefully most of the … Continued

Blind Faith

The 100 Day Challenge, Day 36: It really takes a lot of belief in yourself and things outside you to live peacefully in today’s world.  This is many times referred to as blind faith.  You hear a lot about it in church.  People in extreme sports or who take unusual risks also talk a lot about … Continued

Your Beautiful Week Ahead

The 100 Day Challenge, Day 35:           “Beauty’s where you find it.”  Madonna- Vogue This week I am proposing you go on a beauty scavenger hunt of sorts.  Looking for and noticing the beautiful things in your life. First- at least once this week visit a place nearby that you find beautiful and uplifting.  Write down where … Continued

Present and Loving It!

The 100 Day Challenge, Day 34: A simple blog posting today for a beautiful weekend!  A few quotes I would love to share: “Do not look back on happiness, or dream of it in the future.  You are only sure of it today; do not let yourself be cheated out of it.”  Henry Ward Beecher “The … Continued

Give it a rest!

The 100 Day Challenge, Day 33: When you are excitedly working on a project or love your work you can get out of the habit of taking breaks.  I know some people that even have a hard time taking a day off.  This can happen for other reasons, too- avoidance, fears- real or imagined, etc.  … Continued

What’s your choice?

The 100 Day Challenge, Day 32: I read a quote by Joyce Meyer this morning that has really stuck by me- “You can be pitiful or powerful, but you can be both.  Which do you choose?” Success does begin with choices- from the time you wake up until the time you go to bed.  Life is … Continued

The Challenge Continues!

The 100 Day Challenge, Day 31! It has been a month since I started the 100 day challenge and it has lived up to it’s promise- to be a challenge! My challenge is to post something on my blog for 100 straight days- no weekends off!- and to learn more about blogging in the process.  … Continued

Leadership 101, listen up!!

The 100 Day Challenge, Day 30: I love to read books on business and leadership- I’m a junkie!  I get excited about new thoughts and ideas.  No matter what, though, everything always seems to boil down to the basics. There is one truth that seems to show up in most leadership books I have read.  It … Continued