For Your Optimal Health- Weave In The Fun!

Maybe it’s the time of year- August- that makes me think it’s time for fun! Growing up, knowing there were a few weeks left before back to school, the pressure was on (in a good way) to have as much fun as possible in the warmth of summer. We played in the woods, making things … Continued

Important To Do: Fail & Make Mistakes

I’m on my soap box this week because I have seen and heard a lot this past week about fear of failure and people not wanting to own their mistakes. Let’s start with fear of failure first. John Maxwell taught me MANY years ago now to replace the word fail with learn. He believes there … Continued

Happy Being You!

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”  Howard Thurman This is one of the best quotes, to me, as a coach. The best thing I get to see is my clients uncovering … Continued

Happiness Triggers- What Are Yours?

We can tend to think of triggers as a negative thing- we mostly hear about them in association with stress and trauma from the past. But there are good triggers, too! Happiness Triggers alert your brain in the same way, but in a good way- a happy way. We all have these triggers. As with … Continued

Magnanimous Mid Year!

I am starting out with the word magnanimous again this week because I want to talk to you about mid year. Magnanimity is generosity, which is usually spoken about in terms of being generous toward others. I like to turn all words around to also apply them to ourselves as well as others. And being … Continued

Freedom and Magnanimity

This weekend, not surprisingly, makes me think a lot about freedom. My head always tends to go to the freedom that we have inside of ourselves. Things like, you can’t control your first thought, but you can control every thought thereafter. Or the only thing we can truly control and have freedom with is what … Continued

We could always use a little perspective!

Perspective comes in so many forms- and as we get closer to the mid point of the year it feels like, to me, a great time to think about perspective. Next week I am going to guide you through a mid year reflection, but for now, lets’ get warmed up to use by reviewing what … Continued

Reading is Life! (and has benefits!)

Haha!!  I am laughing as I write that title- reading is life- might seem like a stretch, but after all I have learned in the study of reinvention- doing things that add life to your life, this is NOT an understatement for me! Reading has been important to me since my earliest years and continues … Continued

Change it up!

When we adopted our new puppy a little over a month ago, change was forced upon me. Having this experience has shown me (again) the huge value in changing the way I do things, day in a day out. I am a big proponent for people getting disciplined and creating routines and structures. However, once … Continued

What to do with June?

How about making this fresh month of June your best yet this year? I find it easy to put my head around this, in large part due to the better weather and a lot more sun! But there are other reasons, too! What gets me really excited about making the most of June- which is … Continued