Celebrating the beauty in your every day.

Beauty. Beauty is something we can give to ourselves no matter what. Beauty starts in your mind, and that is usually something we have control of, when there is little else within our control. How you see something, what it means to you- there is an automatic component to this and then there is space … Continued

Align Your Energy!

Continuing with alignment this week I am zeroing in on energy. The level of energy we have is the foundation we are working from- our life force! I am especially thinking about it right now, February in Vermont, it’s cold, short days, not a lot of sunlight. Keeping energy high and positive is not small … Continued

The Simplicity of a Walk

“I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees.” Henry David Thoreau Taking a walk***- it has become the top item on my list to do each day. It started out as exercise and has now become my exercise, thinking time, breather, restore session, stress reducer and creative idea cultivator. … Continued

Bloom Where You Are!

My theme for the month of September is Bloom! something very counterintuitive, at a time of year where the blooms in nature are fading fast. Whether we have gone kicking and screaming or embraced it, 2020 has caused all to grow- a little or a lot. The growing and learning are constant unless we stick … Continued

Be Still and Know Your Yes

Stillness is the key to knowing yourself authentically, and what will lead you to make the right decisions for yourself- to say yes to the right things. What serves you most, brings you joy and allows you to bring your best to the world. Be still and know your yes!

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 29: High Vibe Beauty

Welcome to Day 29! One of the things I have been studying all month long as part of my high vibe challenge is high vibe beauty. It actually encompasses a lot of what I have shared with you over the past few weeks. My main guide for this has been the book High Vibrational Beauty … Continued

The High Vibe Challenge Day 14: Art

Welcome to Day 14! On the lighter side today! Art. Viewing art is one of the best ways to lift your vibe! (making art is, too, but that is for another time!) Even if you are not accustomed to thinking about, engaging with or viewing art- or maybe especially if you are not- I want … Continued

The High Vibe Challenge Day 12: You At Your Best!

Welcome to Day 12! Watch out, I am feeling really really good this morning! Maybe it is the sun, butter coffee from the Blank Page Cafe, or the great workout I just did- I don’t know for sure, but it is probably a strong combination of all and the rest of my morning routine. The … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 8: Let It Go

Welcome to Day 8! This month is already flying by! I hope you are taking the time to make the most of it- every moment carries the opportunity to think differently, notice something, enjoy something or learn something- if we stay aware to that space of possibility, we can do something with that space- no … Continued

It’s Time (again) for a Fresh Start

As I write, I am thinking about Easter weekend and some of the meanings of Easter- both religious and symbolic in other ways. If you have been following me for any length of time, you know I am a huge fan of a fresh start, blank slate, and New Years Day! In a spiritual sense, … Continued