It’s Time to Think Big Again

Expansion– it’s my theme for the month of March. I have written about thinking big before and it’s coming up for me now. With maybe a little slant. The word expansion makes me think about thinking bigger, so does coming out of the closed in feeling of winter into spring. Like I have been hibernating … Continued

It’s time for Expansion!

This is where I have been so far this year- hunkered in, resting, restoring, thinking (times 1000), planning, more resting, reading, writing and allowing space to just be. As the calendar turned over to March, I felt a shift. Not a 180, but a shift moving in a new direction. Like I am almost done … Continued

How are You TREATing Yourself?

Nope, it’s not what you think! Remember, my word for February is LIVELY! Lively depends upon energy and if you go back to the previous few weeks posts, you will read more on how to do it and even how to write a Lively Life Plan. TREATS are another facet on the road to living … Continued

What Did You Love?

About a year ago- aka another lifetime ago– I posted this on my Facebook page: What did you used to love to do that you know longer do? I received a landslide of responses! I had expected good engagement, but this was over the top. And really heartfelt, too. As people thought about the question … Continued

Get Determined!

Here we are, already at the end of January. How’s the year going for you? Have you got the feel for the “tone” of your year yet? (BTW-Did you pick a word or theme for you year? Just checking in on that!) Did you notice that the calendar has changed to 2021, some things have … Continued

My Word for 2021: Vital

It’s an interesting story how I came to choose my one word to guide my 2021. I love words so I have fun every year with this endeavor. Over the holidays our daughter was at home and she decided to spend some time on One of the people she reminded me of was my … Continued

Let’s Begin!

It’s here! 2021!!  After 21 straight days of blogging to finish 2020, I took a break and now I am back and ready to create an awesome year, along with you! If you are with me….let’s begin! We are already half way through the month of January, what is this year feeling like to you? … Continued

Countdown 21 to 2021: Day 1 Your Best First Day!

2021! It’s here, we made it! Although I have so much gratitude for 2020, I feel a shift and have so much positivity around the opportunity and possibility of 2021! How did you end your last day? Hopefully you are feeling well today! Either way, you now have an opportunity to set the tone for … Continued

Countdown 21 to 2021: Day 2 Best Last Day 2020

As I got up this morning I kept thinking as I did each thing.. This is the last time I will make my bed in 2020. This is the last time I will do my morning brush teeth, wash up routine in 2020. This is the last cycle class I will take in 2020. You … Continued

Countdown 21 to 2021: Day 3 FOPO

One of my favorite new acronyms to think about (like FOMO and JOMO) is FOPO. Fear Of People’s Opinions. It’s one of the things that has held me back in my life, personally, more than anything else. (and believe me, there are other things! But this is the biggie!) Whether it is our own family … Continued