2023, Your Year of Creativity

Do you view yourself as creative? In 6th grade my art teacher, who knew my mother well, remarked to me during one fateful class, “You just aren’t creative like your mother is.” An art teacher confusing creativity with the ability to draw! I didn’t realize his mistake (on many levels), and my mistake in internalizing … Continued

Change it up!

This is a theme I revisit often on this blog! As we get grooving into this new year, it was up for me to revisit again. I encourage you to think of the many other ways, things, places you could do besides the things I am mentioning here. I encourage you to read and let … Continued

How to have a *Stellar* year!

Have you been working on your goals for the year? I have talked to many people about goals in the last two weeks- some are excited about setting some, some against it altogether and then some are not sure. Regardless of wether you are setting goals, you can still plan to have a stellar year– … Continued

Resolution Evolution

Happy New Year! Here we are, in 2023. The swirl of talk about resolutions is everywhere. Some excited, some downright nasty regarding the word resolutions.  Being resolute means that you feel something is so important to you, you are not willing to waver. I heard someone yesterday say that taking on resolutions means that you … Continued


Sparkle!   Shine brightly, vivacious, witty, glittering- I am thinking that these are some great words to own as we begin a new year. These words are full of life and energy. This week, as a fresh new year begins a great question to ask yourself, from the world of reinvention, is: What would bring … Continued

What are you saying?

This week’s theme came to me this week because of the many conversations I have been having with clients and others who are thinking about their words. I am facilitating two leadership courses for a client right now and one of the current topics is clarity. Being clear, concise, succinct with words. One of the … Continued

Your Life’s Magic

Starting out with a definition of magic that I am liking right at this moment in time, in the year. “A quality that makes something seem removed from everyday life, especially in a way that gives delight.” Delight! Grab ahold of that word! What delights you? So many things coming to mind and it comes … Continued

Gratitude for Good Memories

As human beings it can be easy to think about the things that have gone wrong in our past. I was reading something recently that talked about freedom from all of that. It also shared the importance of focusing on retaining our good memories and letting go of the ones that don’t make us feel … Continued

Grateful for Personal Development

I am spending this month writing about things I am grateful for. One of the things I am most grateful for is my personal development. It is funny how one of the things that I am most grateful for is one of the hardest things I have engaged in in my life. It takes a … Continued

Grateful for Change

As Heraclitus famously said “the only constant is change.” We should be getting pretty good at dealing with change by now, right? Well, no. I mean, it is challenging when you are faced with different changes every day. So this is a life long pursuit- gracefully working with changes. With intentional awareness and practice, we … Continued