Just Three Words

The other day when I was meditating three words came to me. This is the benefit of a long time meditation practice, or one of them- I believe that my brain has become much more creative. Some days its a lot of busyness- yes, that is normal- we are human beings living in the world- … Continued

How do you notice meaning?

I am thinking about time this week more than ever! I got a little ansty today because the rhythm of my days for the past week have been disrupted. I momentarily lost track of the meaning in my life and it happened at least once a day! It is very easy to get distracted and … Continued

Recalibrate Your Mind

When I think about recalibrating my mind and you recalibrating your mind I am thinking about these things: -Questioning what I think about everything, and having the courage to do so. Regardless of your age, you have had some beliefs for a very long time. Since the pandemic, and never more than right now, you … Continued

Ignite Your Spirit

There are seasons of our lives that we can lose our spark. Maybe for a day or week, maybe for a year. I lost mine for about five years and came out on the other side better than before. When I think back to how I did it, I know it was because I was … Continued

Generosity Coming and Going

June is about the theme generosity. One of the aspects of generosity is the circle of being generous and at the same time being open to having others be generous with us. The circle of giving and receiving. This is a short post with a call for you to consider how round your circle is. … Continued

Refine and Manifest

I am doing both this month! Refine- means to remove impurities or unwanted elements from something. It also means to improve something by making small changes. Some of the words associated with refine are purify, clarify, clear and cleanse. There isn’t a more perfect theme  for October- especially in 2020! Especially for the start of … Continued

Find Your Helpers

This has been a rough week for so many of us. I know I don’t need to name all of the reasons why because you are all probably watching the news and talking to people and seeing pop ups on your computer and you’re most likely spending time on some type of social media. As … Continued

The High Vibe Challenge Day 12: You At Your Best!

Welcome to Day 12! Watch out, I am feeling really really good this morning! Maybe it is the sun, butter coffee from the Blank Page Cafe, or the great workout I just did- I don’t know for sure, but it is probably a strong combination of all and the rest of my morning routine. The … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day #1

Welcome to day 1! Let’s start at the beginning! What does it even mean- high vibe? Or High Vibration? If you google high vibration you will see things come up like crystals, food, and music. Basically anything high vibration is something that is going to make you feel good and fills you with positive energy. … Continued

What Bob Taught Me

What About Bob? is one of my favorite funny movies! Released in 1991, it is #44 on Bravo’s top 100 list of funniest movies. I think putting a lot of humor into our lives right now is VERY important- that is why I convinced my family to watch this movie the other night. Although Bob … Continued