Permission Granted

Permission. We were trained to think we needed it. Okay. We DID need it at one time. If not just for our own safety. Think about this- as we grow up, one of the first things we learn to do is to ask for permission- even before we can talk. This becomes so deeply ingrained … Continued

The Right Yes

August is all about the YES in my world, and if you choose to follow along, you may never look at your “yeses” quite the same way again! I am also on month two of building resilience. When you say the right yeses for you, your resilience will build as you create more energy in your … Continued

Cleanse Your Way to Resilience

Resilience is top of mind right now. On my mind because I chose the word as my theme for the month of July! On everyone else’s mind because it is beginning to be recognized as a very important strength to cultivate in order to live a flourishing life in today’s world. Some definitions of resilience: … Continued

My Top 8 Questions That Lead to a Great Day

One of the things I have enjoyed most about my journey as a coach is all that I have learned that has helped me to grow in my own life. Studying and asking great questions is one of them. Asking great questions is the most powerful thing a coach does. And to be powerful, they … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge, Day 28: Finish Strong!

Welcome to Day 28! No matter what kind of challenge you are doing, goals you set or any intentions you have, when you are coming down to your deadline or finish line, you have to the opportunity to finish strong. Regardless of how you have done leading up to the last few days, you have … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 26: The Next Right Step

Welcome to Day 26! Okay, we are really in the home stretch now- are you still with me? This challenge has been filled with ideas, disciplines, focuses and CHALLENGES! Challenges are so important to us a human beings who want to grow and become all that we can be. The thing that threatens us the … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 25: Recipe

Welcome to Day 25! Truth is, I am not feeling 100% high vibe this morning. It happens. I recognize there are those days, it sometimes just seems like it is in the air. I can not pinpoint anything specific- I slept well (which is not always the case), I woke up early and did several … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 20: Forgiveness

Welcome to Day 20! I wanted to put stars around the title or something eye catching to entice you to read this, but you are reading it, so thank you- please keep going! The fact is, most people do not want to read or talk much about forgiveness. It is an uncomfortable subject fraught with … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 18: The Right People

Welcome to Day 18! We have all heard many times the importance of choosing the right people to spend time with, to listen to, to confide in, to let into our lives. We have all had the experience of choosing wrongly, and hopefully learning from those experiences. Some people are in our lives and we … Continued