Countdown 21 to 2021: Day 2 Best Last Day 2020

As I got up this morning I kept thinking as I did each thing.. This is the last time I will make my bed in 2020. This is the last time I will do my morning brush teeth, wash up routine in 2020. This is the last cycle class I will take in 2020. You … Continued

Count Down 21 to 2021: Day 4 Don’t Wait, Illuminate

One of the things we tend to do as human beings is to put things off until Monday, or next month, or once the new year begins. Don’t wait! Start today!! At least in some small ways. It is not all or nothing. What could you do over the next few days leading up to … Continued

Countdown 21 to 2021: Day 5 Liminal Space

Liminal space. This is something I am going to delve into much more deeply in the future and I think it is the perfect time to bring it up now. I first heard the term from author Rob Bell on his podcast The Robcast and I have been intrigued ever since. Liminal space is exactly where we are … Continued

Countdown 21 to 2021: Day 11 Kindness is a Strength

Yesterday I had the privilege to present a lunch and learn with the topic of Kindness as a character strength to a corporate client. All agreed, it was the perfect topic for right now. (All that aside, I appreciate a companies that value their employees enough to offer conversations like this and I am fortunate … Continued

Countdown 21 to 2021: Day 13 I Don’t Know

I have shared this with several of you lately: My most used phrase from my real estate days… “I don’t know, let me find out.”  Someone wise, I wish I could remember who, stressed to me as a very young Realtor (20 years old) to feel confident to say I don’t know. And I took … Continued

Bloom Where You Are!

My theme for the month of September is Bloom! something very counterintuitive, at a time of year where the blooms in nature are fading fast. Whether we have gone kicking and screaming or embraced it, 2020 has caused all to grow- a little or a lot. The growing and learning are constant unless we stick … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 9: You are Good!

Welcome to Day 9! Just a quick expansion to yesterday, something I was thinking about this morning as I was walking. So much of what can dim our high vibe is self induces. Much of it stems from being hard on ourselves, and much of that is the stuff we hold against ourselves and shame … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 6: Fresh Starts!

Welcome to Day 6! One of my favorite things about me is that I LOVE fresh starts! Do-evers, new beginnings. I take advantage of them at every turn! Today is my birthday and this is one of those times I consider the ultimate fresh start! I take the time to think about the past year- … Continued

10 (or more) Ideas for Flourishing and Thriving in Your Business

Today I was live on my Facebook business page- Kimberly DuBrul Coaching- with some ideas about flourishing in your business.  I am going to write about them here, but to get the full scoop on the points, including my passion around each one I encourage to watch the replay! A major part of flourishing is … Continued

One Degree Revolution

I’ve been a fan of Coby Kozlowski’s wisdom ever since I heard her talk about skillfully riding the waves of life at a Vermont yoga event.  I had been waiting for her book to be released for months and once it was, I jumped right in. First of all, if you are just seeing yoga … Continued