This takes the most courage….

I can’t think of much that takes more courage than to be honest with yourself. I honor all people who do the hard work of personal development and growth. I have been privileged to work with so many great clients over the years who are doing this challenging work. Personal Reinvention month is the perfect … Continued

Just Be You!

Authenticity is something I have written about here in the past. I am feeling the spirit of summer (again/still!) and the idea of letting things go, shedding things and getting back to the necessities is speaking to me right now. What is necessary? Know that for yourself is important. What is necessary- for YOU? If … Continued

You. On Retreat.

Have you ever taken yourself on retreat?  Retreats are one of the important topics I cover in my book- The Successful Coaches Business Development Planner- but retreats are not just for coaches. They are for everyone. Some of you are old pros at retreats- take this as a reminder to get your next one scheduled … Continued

30 Days of YOU!

Back in 2020 I was working with a great client who was all about taking her life and business to the next level. Out of that session the 30 Days of You Intensive (Hers was called the 30 Days of ___________-her name.) was born! I created a course that many have now taken and it … Continued

Tweak Your Life with One Small Step

This idea has me really excited….one small positive change can create a cascade of other positive changes in my life. I believe that if you want to bring some fresh energy into your life, it is as easy as that! If you want to experience even more life in your life, reinventing something will be … Continued

What season are you in?

If you’ve been following along, you have noticed I have talked a lot about resting and solitude lately. I wonder how that is resonating with you right now? I am going to switch gears in a big way on you this week. And that means it is the opposite of rest- it is about getting … Continued


Sparkle!   Shine brightly, vivacious, witty, glittering- I am thinking that these are some great words to own as we begin a new year. These words are full of life and energy. This week, as a fresh new year begins a great question to ask yourself, from the world of reinvention, is: What would bring … Continued

Merry and Bright!

As I write this it is pouring rain, over cast and getting dark at 4:21! I am laughing about writing about merry and bright under these conditions! Merry and Bright- that is my theme for this month. And that really is the point for me, for December. To end this year on an up note. … Continued

Grateful for Personal Development

I am spending this month writing about things I am grateful for. One of the things I am most grateful for is my personal development. It is funny how one of the things that I am most grateful for is one of the hardest things I have engaged in in my life. It takes a … Continued

October Overwhelm

I have been quite a few conversations this week with people who are feeling overwhelmed. The definition of overwhelm found online: “bury or drown beneath a huge mass” and “defeat completely.” It doesn’t sound so good when we apply those definitions to our lives! Whoa. My goal today is to remind you of a few, … Continued