Just Three Words

The other day when I was meditating three words came to me. This is the benefit of a long time meditation practice, or one of them- I believe that my brain has become much more creative. Some days its a lot of busyness- yes, that is normal- we are human beings living in the world- … Continued

Recalibrate Your Mind

When I think about recalibrating my mind and you recalibrating your mind I am thinking about these things: -Questioning what I think about everything, and having the courage to do so. Regardless of your age, you have had some beliefs for a very long time. Since the pandemic, and never more than right now, you … Continued

Your Recalibration Retreat

A retreat is a great way to recalibrate. All it really is, is a pause. Stopping long enough to think, asses and discern if where you are at in any/all areas of your life are going the way you would like them to go. I am a big fan of knowing what you can control … Continued

The Simplicity of a Walk

“I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees.” Henry David Thoreau Taking a walk***- it has become the top item on my list to do each day. It started out as exercise and has now become my exercise, thinking time, breather, restore session, stress reducer and creative idea cultivator. … Continued

Make Rejoicing an Everyday Thing

If you’ve been following along with me the past few months, you most likely heard me talk about, or read something I have written about celebrating. I realized I had not been sharing wins with the world at large, or even with my closest friends. Celebration is acknowledging something significant or happy in a social … Continued

Get Determined!

Here we are, already at the end of January. How’s the year going for you? Have you got the feel for the “tone” of your year yet? (BTW-Did you pick a word or theme for you year? Just checking in on that!) Did you notice that the calendar has changed to 2021, some things have … Continued

Countdown 21 to 2021: Day 2 Best Last Day 2020

As I got up this morning I kept thinking as I did each thing.. This is the last time I will make my bed in 2020. This is the last time I will do my morning brush teeth, wash up routine in 2020. This is the last cycle class I will take in 2020. You … Continued

Countdown 21 to 2021: Day 3 FOPO

One of my favorite new acronyms to think about (like FOMO and JOMO) is FOPO. Fear Of People’s Opinions. It’s one of the things that has held me back in my life, personally, more than anything else. (and believe me, there are other things! But this is the biggie!) Whether it is our own family … Continued

Count Down 21 to 2021: Day 4 Don’t Wait, Illuminate

One of the things we tend to do as human beings is to put things off until Monday, or next month, or once the new year begins. Don’t wait! Start today!! At least in some small ways. It is not all or nothing. What could you do over the next few days leading up to … Continued