The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day #1

Welcome to day 1! Let’s start at the beginning! What does it even mean- high vibe? Or High Vibration? If you google high vibration you will see things come up like crystals, food, and music. Basically anything high vibration is something that is going to make you feel good and fills you with positive energy. … Continued

So Much Potential!

That’s you!  And me.  We ALL have so much potential within us.  As a coach, however, I often notice people not seeing the potential they have already realized. If you would stop to think about the things that you have already done in your life- all of the things, for instance, that at one time … Continued

One Degree Revolution

I’ve been a fan of Coby Kozlowski’s wisdom ever since I heard her talk about skillfully riding the waves of life at a Vermont yoga event.  I had been waiting for her book to be released for months and once it was, I jumped right in. First of all, if you are just seeing yoga … Continued

Last 31 Days- Hope is Part of the Strategy

How many times have you heard this- Hope is NOT a strategy.  When we hear it we tend to write off hope and not give it another thought.  I had a great discussion the other day and our consensus was that people get hope mixed up with the word try. Like when you say I … Continued

Stronger- With Grace

Grace has been a word that has intrigued me for a long time.  In my coaching practice I use values cards with my clients and grace is one of the words in the deck.  Having pulled the card out many times over the years, I have explored the word’s meaning both in the dictionary and … Continued

Stronger- Vitality Builders

What are those things that when you do them, you feel happy, light hearted, positive, in flow, uplifted or any other description of feeling upbeat? These things, because of those feelings are giving you more energy. And more energy means more vitality. The definition of vitality is literally: the state of being strong and active; … Continued


The 100 Day Challenge, Day 64: Determination- the act of coming to a decision or of fixing or settling on a purpose. This is ONE of the definitions of the work determination.  It is not necessarily the one we automatically think of when we hear the word. Here’s what it means to me today: So … Continued