Mindset May- Do I have a Growth or a Fixed Mindset

May is winding down, but the mindset work never stops! This month I have had the pleasure of doing several talks on mindset and I have realized something- there is so much to share about mindset!  Today I want to mention a few things you can think about, if you are interested in creating a … Continued

Why I Love Coaching, Celebrating Intl. Coaching Week!

This is one of the best week’s of the year- a special week where I get to celebrate my profession! Along with all coaches around the world, especially those who are members or credentialed with the ICF (International Coach Foundation) I am celebrating International Coaching week. There are so many aspects of coaching that I … Continued

Mindset May- Creating Your Reality

Because of vacation, I only have a few short weeks to do the topic of mindset justice, so I am going to dig right in! I have been talking about mindset for so long that it is no longer about skimming the surface for me. It is digging deep into the stuff that holds us … Continued

Refresh for No Regret

I am at the beach this week and doing a lot of walking, thinking, listening to books and reading. Right now I am listening to Jeff Bezos book Invent and Wander and something he does, struck me right away and I want to share it with you. When making decisions, we fast forwards himself to … Continued

Refresh your time, refresh your life!

As I continue to work with my theme of refresh this month, I am thinking a lot about time. Maybe it is spring cleaning mode, but I am feeling the urge to shake things up and change my schedule a bit. Refreshing your schedule can be exhilarating– when was the last time you did it? … Continued

Refresh Your Happiness

If you can truly get your head around this, you will live a happy life. An audacious prediction, I know. Here it is: You are the only one responsible for your happiness. AND part two- you are not responsible for anyone else’s happiness. Whew what a relief! Maybe it feels like relief to you, but … Continued

Make Rejoicing an Everyday Thing

If you’ve been following along with me the past few months, you most likely heard me talk about, or read something I have written about celebrating. I realized I had not been sharing wins with the world at large, or even with my closest friends. Celebration is acknowledging something significant or happy in a social … Continued

Time for a Re-set!

This is the perfect time for a re-set! We have just reached the end of the first quarter and I am thinking a lot about doing my quarterly review. In my book The Successful Coach’s Business Development and Planning Calendar I offer outlines for yearly goals, monthly, weekly and the quarterly review. We are just … Continued

Mindset Blown!

If you’ve been reading my blog for almost any amount of time you will realize I can be a bit of a broken record in that I think and talk about mindset A LOT! I wrote about thinking bigger in last week’s newsletter. Today is a different twist. It is about expanding your mindset by … Continued

You, Taking Up Space

When I think about expansion (my word for this month) one of the things I consider is taking up more space. (Please read the last two posts for more on expansion in your life) Many of us have dealt with challenging situations in our lives.  If these have been at all around being rejected, made … Continued