What season are you in?

If you’ve been following along, you have noticed I have talked a lot about resting and solitude lately. I wonder how that is resonating with you right now? I am going to switch gears in a big way on you this week. And that means it is the opposite of rest- it is about getting … Continued

Solitude Strengthens You

How are you about spending time alone? Expanding on last week’s post, into the realm of love we discover that this is really important to building love within yourself- for yourself first, and then to be shared with others in relationships. Solitude, again, gives you the space to really get to know yourself fully. When … Continued


Sparkle!   Shine brightly, vivacious, witty, glittering- I am thinking that these are some great words to own as we begin a new year. These words are full of life and energy. This week, as a fresh new year begins a great question to ask yourself, from the world of reinvention, is: What would bring … Continued

Gratitude for Good Memories

As human beings it can be easy to think about the things that have gone wrong in our past. I was reading something recently that talked about freedom from all of that. It also shared the importance of focusing on retaining our good memories and letting go of the ones that don’t make us feel … Continued

October Overwhelm

I have been quite a few conversations this week with people who are feeling overwhelmed. The definition of overwhelm found online: “bury or drown beneath a huge mass” and “defeat completely.” It doesn’t sound so good when we apply those definitions to our lives! Whoa. My goal today is to remind you of a few, … Continued

Mental Health is Your Mental Wealth

Your mental health is everything. October 3-9 is Mental Health Awareness Week and Mental Health Day is October 10th. I like to highlight it at this time because this is a subject that affects all of us. All of us living in this world must be aware of and take care of our mental health- … Continued

Thank you goes a long way…

I am focused this week on gratitude as I have been immersed in it for the past week! First a whole conference for business women with the theme of gratitude and then World Gratitude Day on September 21st! I write gratitudes every morning and most nights, unless I fall asleep and forget! One thing that … Continued

Cultivate This To Reach Your Goals

What am I referring to?  Self-discipline! Don’t stop reading! Self-discipline is something you do in your favor- as Ed Latimore says “Self-discipline and self-control determine the quality of your life, ore than anything else.” Put that way, it sounds worthwhile to explore how you can cultivate more of it in your life. It is essential to … Continued

Even If You Don’t Feel Like It

If you are reading this, you are probably an adult. As adults, we have the freedom to do what we want to do. And we like to exercise that freedom! But sometimes that freedom comes back to bite us. As I spent 19 years growing a real estate business as I real career, I noticed … Continued

For Your Optimal Health- Weave In The Fun!

Maybe it’s the time of year- August- that makes me think it’s time for fun! Growing up, knowing there were a few weeks left before back to school, the pressure was on (in a good way) to have as much fun as possible in the warmth of summer. We played in the woods, making things … Continued