Full Bloom

I am thinking a lot about the last quarter of this year. I am thinking about being blooming right through the end of this year, leading myself into a strong 2021, despite circumstances. Because circumstances are anyone’s guess. What I can control is what I am thinking about and how, what I am participating in, … Continued

From YES to ZEST!!

YES!!!  How often do you say it like that? Bold and with lots of exclamation points!!!??? Throughout the month of August I have been sharing my theme of YES!! This week I want to go a bit deeper about the yes you say to yourself and what it might lead to. In my coaching practice I use the … Continued

Cleanse Your Way to Resilience

Resilience is top of mind right now. On my mind because I chose the word as my theme for the month of July! On everyone else’s mind because it is beginning to be recognized as a very important strength to cultivate in order to live a flourishing life in today’s world. Some definitions of resilience: … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 22: Fantastic Voyage

Welcome to Day 22! This post may not be what you think it will be! 🙂 I was driving home this morning from my favorite walking spot and heard the disco song Fantastic Voyage along the way. Talk about a high vibe filled start to the day. Nature, movement, sun, a bench, writing, birds……  and … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 21: Mindful Mood

Welcome to Day 21!! What do you think about the subject of mindfulness? I find it is a topic we can not avoid when attempting to live a high vibe life. The word gets used a lot and I think the potency gets watered down in the process. Being mindful is simply being where you … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 18: The Right People

Welcome to Day 18! We have all heard many times the importance of choosing the right people to spend time with, to listen to, to confide in, to let into our lives. We have all had the experience of choosing wrongly, and hopefully learning from those experiences. Some people are in our lives and we … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 15: Rest Day

Welcome to Day 15! We are right at the half way point in our challenge today! AND today is a rest day! After all of the challenges that have been coming your way, this is a day to catch up, or do with what makes the most sense to you. A rest day is not … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 13: Time

Welcome to Day 13! One of my favorite quotes from the past few years is from Tom Bilyeu “You have to think of time as if it is of spiritual consideration.” That really hit home for me. I love to plan and create my weeks, but this thought took me to a whole new level. … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 10: No Activity

Welcome to Day 10! I know many of you are doing a catch up day today. That is great! Remember, there is no right or wrong way to do this challenge. You can start at any time, engage with what works for you, but the coach in me will always push you and encourage you … Continued