Happiness Triggers- What Are Yours?

We can tend to think of triggers as a negative thing- we mostly hear about them in association with stress and trauma from the past. But there are good triggers, too! Happiness Triggers alert your brain in the same way, but in a good way- a happy way. We all have these triggers. As with … Continued

Have You Uncovered the Meaning of Your Life?

Meaning is such a big word! It is so expansive, it is almost indescribable- and when it comes to describing you and what the meaning of your life is, it is like no other. This of finding the meaning in your life as a treasure hunt. You spend a good portion of your life following … Continued

2021 Favorites List

One of the most fun things to do at the end/beginning of a year (I think) is to reflect back on your favorite things from the year you are just wrapping up. What were those things that made your year fun, memorable, enjoyable? Despite the hardships, lack of certainty and anything that was less than … Continued

The Gratitude Challenge 2021!

Gratitude challenge week is here! One of my favorite weeks of the whole year! Here’s how the challenge works- It takes place during the week of Thanksgiving. Get a notebook or journal and a pen full of ink! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday you write 25 things each day that you are grateful for. Thursday, … Continued

The Simplicity of a Walk

“I took a walk in the woods and came out taller than the trees.” Henry David Thoreau Taking a walk***- it has become the top item on my list to do each day. It started out as exercise and has now become my exercise, thinking time, breather, restore session, stress reducer and creative idea cultivator. … Continued

Igniting Simplicity

This week I am combining my themes for the months of July and August, as we usher in a new month. July: IGNITE- catch fire, arouse, to heat up or excite, to begin to glow It’s what I have been writing and sharing about all month, as well as working with it myself. My favorite … Continued

Unconditional Generosity

Generosity June continues! It seems to be striking a chord with many of you and I appreciate the thoughts you are sharing with me, they are fueling some of these posts. Really, truly, I promise, generosity is built to fill you with joy. Sadly, this is not always the case. What gets in the way? … Continued

Make Rejoicing an Everyday Thing

If you’ve been following along with me the past few months, you most likely heard me talk about, or read something I have written about celebrating. I realized I had not been sharing wins with the world at large, or even with my closest friends. Celebration is acknowledging something significant or happy in a social … Continued

Mindset Blown!

If you’ve been reading my blog for almost any amount of time you will realize I can be a bit of a broken record in that I think and talk about mindset A LOT! I wrote about thinking bigger in last week’s newsletter. Today is a different twist. It is about expanding your mindset by … Continued

Countdown 21 to 2021: Day 7 Learn

My kids and I  just finished playing The Self MasteryGame. I am grateful because by some miracle my son will play with us, too, and it takes patience because it can take a while to play it. The game was given to me as a gift from one of my great clients and you can … Continued