The High Vibe Challenge Day 17: That Voice

Welcome to Day 17! What is that voice I am referring to? Yours. The one inside your head. Today is about paying attention to what you are saying to yourself. Some people have a hard time with this- they either think that they are self absorbed if they pay attention to their thoughts or they … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 9: You are Good!

Welcome to Day 9! Just a quick expansion to yesterday, something I was thinking about this morning as I was walking. So much of what can dim our high vibe is self induces. Much of it stems from being hard on ourselves, and much of that is the stuff we hold against ourselves and shame … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge Day 6: Fresh Starts!

Welcome to Day 6! One of my favorite things about me is that I LOVE fresh starts! Do-evers, new beginnings. I take advantage of them at every turn! Today is my birthday and this is one of those times I consider the ultimate fresh start! I take the time to think about the past year- … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge: Day 4- Writing it out…

Welcome to Day 4! Here’s a check in- it’s Monday- How are you doing? Is Monday something you look forward to? Do you even know what day it is? As we are well aware, we are all having such different experiences in this time of crisis! Writing things out has been a staple for me … Continued

The 31 Day High vibe Challenge Day 2: The end of the day

Welcome to Day 2! While the mornings are the foundation of our days (more on mornings coming), I have subscribed for 25 years to this thought: Your day starts the night before. So before a great morning, comes a great night.  How are you sleeping these days? We all know by now about good “sleep … Continued

The 31 Day High Vibe Challenge!

Happy May! This is the perfect month and time in our lives to sink into both a challenge that causes us to see what we are capable of- in a good way- surround ourselves with positivity and to redirect our focus toward high vibration mindset and  physical existence. I decided to do this 31 Day … Continued

You Don’t Have to Hurry

This is something I am getting used to. Not having to hurry. First, working from home for the past 5 weeks, and then being on staycation this week, it has been a loop that has a stubborn hold on me. Not having to drive anywhere, not necessarily having to get dressed up and even completely … Continued

What Bob Taught Me

What About Bob? is one of my favorite funny movies! Released in 1991, it is #44 on Bravo’s top 100 list of funniest movies. I think putting a lot of humor into our lives right now is VERY important- that is why I convinced my family to watch this movie the other night. Although Bob … Continued

Opportunity in a Time of Crisis

I have been spending my week filling my head with good information.  Not about the C-Virus, but about positive, uplifting ideas and thoughts that can not only help me to weather the storm, but to thrive and flourish in it.  I am determined to come out of this thing better than when I went in. … Continued

Applying the Best of Who You Are

I love this quote from The Universe (aka Mike Dooley): “It is simply a matter of applying who you are to what you now face. That’s all that matters.” It speaks to me on so many levels.  It supposes that who you are is plenty enough to do good in this time, to have the … Continued