Make It a Fresh Start! Reinvent!

If you’ve been hanging around with me for a while you know that I am a huge fan of a fresh start! I believe you can have one at any time. This time of year- the first of September, start of the school year (we all still know that feeling!), the end of one season … Continued

For Your Optimal Health- Weave In The Fun!

Maybe it’s the time of year- August- that makes me think it’s time for fun! Growing up, knowing there were a few weeks left before back to school, the pressure was on (in a good way) to have as much fun as possible in the warmth of summer. We played in the woods, making things … Continued

Happy Being You!

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”  Howard Thurman This is one of the best quotes, to me, as a coach. The best thing I get to see is my clients uncovering … Continued

Reading is Life! (and has benefits!)

Haha!!  I am laughing as I write that title- reading is life- might seem like a stretch, but after all I have learned in the study of reinvention- doing things that add life to your life, this is NOT an understatement for me! Reading has been important to me since my earliest years and continues … Continued

What to do with June?

How about making this fresh month of June your best yet this year? I find it easy to put my head around this, in large part due to the better weather and a lot more sun! But there are other reasons, too! What gets me really excited about making the most of June- which is … Continued

To Your Health!!

The 6th and final pillar of well being is HEALTH! I am nervous about writing this post because it is so important! I want to do it justice. I am not a physical or mental health professional or a doctor. I have been studying mental wellness for over 20 years, and I draw from that … Continued

Nine (Not so) Secrets of Accomplishing in Your Life!

When you are in your accomplishing sweet spot, you are actively creating the life you want to live. Looking up the word accomplish in the dictionary, it says that accomplishing is about achieving or completing something successfully. Keep this definition in mind as you check out the list of “secrets” below! –To keep yourself encouraged, … Continued

Have You Uncovered the Meaning of Your Life?

Meaning is such a big word! It is so expansive, it is almost indescribable- and when it comes to describing you and what the meaning of your life is, it is like no other. This of finding the meaning in your life as a treasure hunt. You spend a good portion of your life following … Continued

Quality or Quantity? Relationship Well Being

So often we are hard on ourselves for relationship challenges. From- did I say the right thing? Am I doing enough? to do I have enough friends? Should I have my own family right now? Do my kids like me? I wish I could just offer you a big pile of relief and I will … Continued

Engaging with purpose in your whole life.

When studying the components of well being there is nothing more compelling to me than engagement. Simply put it’s that sparkle and energy you feel (or see in someone else!) which they are excited, totally all-in involved. It’s the opposite of sitting on the couch with the remote control flipping channels. It’s up off the … Continued