I love this quote from The Universe (aka Mike Dooley):

“It is simply a matter of applying who you are to what you now face. That’s all that matters.”

It speaks to me on so many levels.  It supposes that who you are is plenty enough to do good in this time, to have the answers you need, to have the strength to get through this time in the best way possible.

It is the perfect time to take inventory of your capabilities.  And to recognize that as a human being, you have many innate abilities that will flourish in challenging times.

You will be able, if you are willing, to see capabilities and goodness within yourself not previously seen or recognized by you.

This is a time to dig deep and believe in yourself. A time to find the best within you (and the best within you IS enough) and to apply it to living in the best way possible right now. With acceptance, grace, presence.

Old rules don’t apply. New ways of being can take their place. New rituals and routines can be created.

Possibility. Opportunity. When you bring who you are to every situation there is an opportunity to create something that only you have the ability to do.

Focus on hope and stay focused on the possibility that today offers. Not what might or might not happen tomorrow or next week.

Breathing, praying, keeping the fear and anxiety (which are normal) at a distance, or to at least lessen them.

Fear and gratitude can not exist in the same moment. There are plenty of opportunities for gratitude right now.

Bring your best self to all of this. It is in you. You are capable. You can do it.

Uncharted waters. Up for your creation. What will you make of it?