Now is the perfect time to consider what you want to complete in 2020.

Having a clear slate at the end of the year feels good. You get to invent your definition of “clear”.

What loose ends do you still have hanging?

What goals are incomplete?  How would you like to adjust them? Are they all still valid/important?

Which do you want to let go of, rewrite, or defer to 2021?

What would make 2020 feel complete if you were to get it down before the clock strikes midnight on December 31st?

The feeling of completion and clearing your slate is one of spaciousness! You may not get to everything, but what is the MOST important? What will serve you most as you begin a new year.

1. Take stock of everything you have going right now, make a quick plan for what is still to be done this year: what, how, and when- put it into your calendar. Follow through. Knowing it’s the holiday season, make sure that your plans are reasonable.

2. Put the rest of the plan to the side for the new year.

3. Take a few deep breaths. (or more!)

Enjoy the state of sensible spaciousness. We will continue to talk about this: keep looking for things to recognize yourself for in 2020. What have you already completed and cleared?

Clearing your slate can also take the form of turning over a new leaf. Make a list of anything you want to make a fresh start on, or create anew.

Spaciousness. That’s what clearing your slate will do for you. Clarity. Focus. Rest. Rejuvenate. Get ready for what the new year will bring.

What is your most important take away from this post? What will serve you to take action on? What will you commit to doing?