One of the things I am talking with clients about right now is coming up with their list of 3-5 things that they will do each day in 2020 that make them feel good.  When we feel good we are in a position to make the most of our efforts, to get the results we want, to create the life we want to have. It is from this place of feeling good that everything is possible.

Decide on your 3-5, or if you are like some of my clients you may have more, just know yourself.  I have actions I take in the morning and at night.  Some people have all morning activities. It is up to you. Start with something and keep with it long enough to reap the rewards. If you get off track, just start again.

What are some examples of these things my clients are doing to get to and keep that place of feeling good?



Accountability partners and daily or weekly calls to check in

Listening to and reading something inspirational

Read a daily devotional (some read and write or meditate on it)

Writing in a journal or doing morning pages


Dog walking

Getting outside for fresh air

*What else would you add to the list?  What are your go to’s?   Maybe you like to view art, sit in a coffee shop to do thinking and planning, maybe it’s a daily nap!  Really think about the things that when you do them you feel good.


I suggest doing some type of check list to record and measure your actions- I love to use Darren Hardy’s simple Weekly Rhythm Register from the Compound Effect.

When you take these actions over and over again they will impact you in a hugely positive way.  Think of one of your big goals for this year. Now take a moment and close your eyes.  I imagine you have done your 3-5 things all year and this is December 2020. How do you feel after having done a year of those consistent activities? How has you feeling good all year impacted this big goal you had? What has been better in your life because you spent most of the year feeling good?

Notice I said most of the year. Because we are all human, we will get off track. We will certainly have times when we do not feel good in some way- mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally. My off track tends toward the emotional. I know that because of my daily habits I am much more likely to be resilient and get back on track fairly quickly. Your daily habits will help you in challenging times.

The strongest thing I will say is that if you get off track, just start again. Don’t waste a minute feeling badly about yourself for being off track. Yes you CAN do it- you are just human and you do human things. Accept that. Keep moving forward.

And if you would like to spend a day with me and other like minded people creating your ideal 2020 and beyond, I invite you to join my retreat on February 1 at Hotel Vermont- See the link below for all of the details!