Welcome to Day 7!
Today is a day to CATCH UP!
First of all, this IS a challenge, so it SHOULD feel challenging to you! We can learn a lot about ourselves in a challenge. What our minds say, what comes up in the way of self talk and feelings. Stories.
Wherever you are at in this challenge is where you are supposed to be to learn what you personally need to learn to move forward to living more high vibe in your daily life.
Day 7 Journal Questions:
Take some time to reflect by writing in your journal about your experience so far in this challenge. When we take the time to reflect we can make better decisions about moving forward!
-What seems hard?
-What seems easy?
-Are you feeling behind? If you started on the actual first day and you are “behind”, how did it happen?
-What stories are you telling yourself about the challenge so far?
-In the next day- What would you like to catch up on, or implement or try out that you haven’t yet?
Day 7 Challenge:
Do a little more journaling. Look back over the past seven days. What are the high vibe highlights in your life- where/when did you feel it? And when did you not feel it?
What was happening in those instances, and what lead up to them?
What are the obstacles to feeling high vibe? Make a list.
Set an intention for the next week going forward for how you intend to approach this challenge and where you want to be one week from today.
Remember this is a process, a journey, it is not an overnight fix, but by the end of the month, when you have fully engaged in this challenge, you will have moved forward! Noticing and reflecting are big wins in themselves.
If you are on the Facebook page, please share your aha’s there, or feel free to comment here at the blog!